Monday, August 30, 2010

My gorgeous baby boy

So we had the ultrasound. I have a gorgeous baby boy coming in 15-17 weeks! He's really cute. And besides the fact that we were hoping for a girl, I'm very happy.

Baby Joel is such an active little guy, and he's already sweet. 

We picked up some onsies and a sleeper for him, I can't wait to hhhaaaavvveee him :D

Monday, August 16, 2010

Oh my aching ribs :(

So we are exactly 4 days away from the ultrasound. I'm getting very very excited!

Also, I've been feeling my rib pop back and forth for the past two days, at first it didn't hurt but now it's just throbbing periodically, it's driving me insane. If I raise my arms, if I sit up, if I twist my torso....blah!

But I love my baby boy, and he's just thumping away in there today like he's having a good time, and i've been talking to him all night long, he's a real sweet heart <3

But, I don't think he likes the sound of me typing :D

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

20 Weeks, and I'm going crazy :D

So this week we discovered that baby Joel either loves attention, or is really annoyed when poked at :D
We were standing outside of Michelles house and she goes, "Wow, your stomach got all hard and stuff!"
Which is true, one day it was a little hard and the next day it was like, "Woah girl, you're pregnant!"
So Michelle's all poking and prodding at me and realizes Baby J's little foot was pressed against my stomach, so we're all poking at him and we think it's amazing. Well Joel and I get in the car to go home and all of a sudden there is a sharp pain in my bottom left rib. I'm like, "I think he just kicked me in the rib!!" and then there is a little thump that to me says, "Yes mamma, I kicked you". It was cute, but he's grounded to hia "room" haha or womb for at least 18 weeks :D

But now I like to play with him. I poke him and he kicks me, we could do this for hours, and I dunno if hes like "ma, leave me alone" or "Mommy!!!" but either way, I find it amusing,

Today Joel was laying next to me, and i felt him move all the way over to be right next to his daddy, it was kind of uncomfortable, but it was precious, and that's what counts!

Friday, August 6, 2010

First Post

So yesterday? Yesterday was the day from Hell. Being that we are 19 weeks pregnant (due Dec. 27th, 2010) with our first baby, emotions and hormones run on maximum speed lately :D. It's a lot of stress, tears, and more stress. But don't get me wrong I wouldn't change a thing about it.

We're (Joel and I) are hoping to bring a beautiful little girl into this messed up but still kind of amazing world. If it's a girl, her name will be Evelyne Versailles. If on the off chance my cousin Tonya wins all the bets my biological family has placed, we will have a handsome little man named Joel Weston. We have our ultrasound August 19th, and then we will know for sure. Hehe, providing my child isn't too modest :D.

Due to the fact I hate this house we live in, and Joel working almost 70 hours a week, we are moving to Berlin in a few short weeks. We found an awesome apartment for $345 a month with everything included. It's such a steal, and in way better shape than my house. It's small, but we're on a month to month lease so we'll move again when the baby is out of the bassinet. And lets face it, I just don't have the energy to take care of a house right now.

Being pregnant can be a real drag. I'm always sleepy, my baby thinks my bladder is a trampoline and she's an acrobat waiting to happen, and the hormones make Joel and I a little crazy. But again, the perks of hearing her heartbeat, feeling her move and react to my voice and my mood, are all far more than worth it.

I love to learn about all the things that are going on with her. She can cry, swallow, sleep, smile, hear and move, how can you tell me life doesn't happen until birth? She's such an amazing girl, I can't wait to meet her.

If in fact Evelyne is an Evelyne and not a Joel, she's going to have a Tinker Bell nursery! Purple and green with fairies all over! I'm excited, the Disney Princess's just don't have the kind of spunk and courage I want my baby to see and love.

I know she's going to have a wonderful personality. She has three great and very different families that she's going to grow up around. 2 baby cousins her age to grow up with, and lots of Aunts and Uncles and cousins that are older than her to teach her about life. She's going to be the luckiest girl in the world to have Joel as her father ♥ . He's so good with kids and I can tell by the way he talks to her now that he is completely taken with her, totally wrapped around her finger from the start! And mostly, she's going to learn about God and with grace, she will be a great Godly woman.

Needless to say, we can't wait ♥ ♥ ♥